Saturday, July 7, 2007

The Power of the Beard

The Destroyers are experiencing a completely unexpected streak of success in the playoffs. I'm breaking down what I believe to be the reason for the Destroyer's success. The Nagy beard. Since the beginning of the playoffs the Columbus quarterback has been growing a beard. During this time his performance on the field has greatly improved, his presence is stronger, and it seems his sheer will is taking him to the next level.

"I saw a different look in his eye," linebacker Leroy Thompson said. "It was more of a let's-go-get-them look in his eye as opposed to maybe being unsure about some things during the regular season. He knows it's money time. That's how he's playing, and hopefully he can continue to do the same."

This change can be attributed to Nagy drawing deeply into his genetic past of a survivalist. He is currently tapping into his ability to survive and to draw himself up to a higher level so that he can will his team to survival. I would go into this further, but there is an entire site dedicated to this phenomenon, and I don't think I can do better than it.

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